Woman in Flite: Sue Taylor, Flite Global Events Manager

Sue Taylor has been working at Flite for 4 years, looking after global event strategy. She travels around the world activating events, ensuring they’re on brand. This includes trade shows, working with partners to run Demo Days that attract more people to the sport, and organising Community Rides that connect Fliteboarders who wouldn’t otherwise know each other. As part of celebrating International Women’s Day, we sat down with her to find out more about what it means to be a Woman in Flite. 

As Gobal Events Manager what is your favourite type of Fliteboard event?

Community Rides are a lot of fun and from my event perspective, it’s great to meet our Fliteboard community. Attendees love these events and the opportunity to get together and ride with like-minded people; share stories and ride hints/tips. 

It’s great to see multiple boards out on the water at any one time and people love to be riding in company when predominantly they usually ride solo. I really enjoy the Flite community rides and hope to see lots more happening globally in 2025.

What does Fliteboarding give you?

Quite simply, Fliteboarding makes me smile and gives me an opportunity to do something pretty unique out on the water. Different board configurations and ever-changing water and weather conditions means that I am always developing my riding skills and I Iove that. 

What is one of your favourite memories on the water?

As Global Events Manager at Flite I have been fortunate to get out and ride in some pretty iconic and memorable places around the world. A standout for me was riding with fellow Flite Team members out to the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco in 2023. We were fore warned about swells, currents and general crazy water conditions under the bridge, I was expecting to have to bring my A-Game ride skills, but it was only whilst screwing on my Flyer 800 that a team member mentioned the area is also a haven for Great White Sharks! It was such a memorable ride in such an iconic space, but I definitely kept an eye out for any fins!!  

The bridge and a combination of our Australian, North American and European team all out on the water together – it was a pretty memorable morning.

What is your favorite Fliteboard setup?

I am fortunate to be able to work closely with our Research and Design Team and subsequently get out and about testing a wide range of products, including new and future releases.

My favourite ride setup at the moment is PRO board, with the 80cm Flite Jet 2 and FLITELab* 707 wing. A mix of our two brands providing such a fun and playful ride.

What does freedom mean to you?

Freedom to me means – “happiness”- in what I am doing, where I am doing it, why I am doing it.

What makes you feel empowered?

I feel empowered when I take myself a little out of my comfort zone and achieve whatever challenge I have set myself; whether that be a personal or professional achievement. 

Do you have any words of motivation that you come back to regularly?

My own inner monologue – “You’ve got this!”

Can you tell us about a woman who inspired/inspires you?

Not one woman in particular, but all women who I have encountered on my journey so far, who have given me great advice, who have proactively empowered me, who have made me see my own strengths and who have made me consider who I am and what I could be. 

What do you feel is your biggest achievement?

I re-located and moved my life from the UK to Melbourne, Australia in 2013. I would definitely describe this as taking myself out of my comfort zone. Not necessarily a tough decision to take on this re-location, but a real sense of achievement to have navigated the ‘journey’ to get me where I am now.